Elle Mott

"Out of Chaos: A Memoir" was released in 2018 with Boyle & Dalton Publishers. Described by some readers as a journey, a train wreck, and captivating and thrilling, it was a book I wrote becauses people told me to write my story. Then, in the height of our Covid-19 Pandemic, I wrote "People Helping People" to share my experience of helping others as I had once needed help. Through my volunteering efforts, I have been humbled to be awarded by a community activisit organization, local to me, as Community Service Leader of the Year, 2017.

My other writing peices have found homes in journals, magazines, anthologies, and other venues. Advocacy, personal strength, and humanitarianism are common threads in my writing. I invite you to embark on a journey through the uplifting true stories I've brought to life in my books and other publications, some that you can read for free, linking from my Portfolio, found on this website. 

I make my home in northern Kentucky with two cats and several pet birds. My career in a public library, with more than ten years at the downtown Cincinnati library, is my livlihood. Writing is my passion.